Kalosophia Publications
On June 8th 2018 Kalosophia published its first book, which is one of number of titles to be made available for those who seek to or who are leading the philosophic life. Kalosophia re-presents these works with the sole design of being editions that are usable, portable, discussable and a source of inspiration and aid to the genuine aspirant to philosophy and the developing philosophic soul. The self-named academic world is replete with such works designed for itself; this volume, and those to follow, are offered in the profound hope that they will move those who ardently peruse them to truly enter the philosophic life, with virtue, truth, beautiful wisdom, and comprehensive permanent union with reality as the means and its wonderful end...We present these volumes for those in need of soul food and inspiration, and good fellowship along their way…
Volume I
Plotinus On Soul and Beauty
With additions from Plato and Proclus Concerning Love
Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor
(First Impression of 50 Hardback Copies; bound in sky blue clouded
soft suede, so that no two copies are identical)
Philosophers by nature are inspired and moved by wonder; and, through that motion, desire only to fly to the truth. For the love of and friendship with truth and wisdom are both the beginning and the end of philosophy. And there can be few subjects of greater import to the philosophic soul than those contained in this small volume; concerning the nature of Soul and souls, that of Beauty and the beautiful, and that which perpetually binds the two together, with a vital bond more real and adamantine than all passion and desire, that is, Love.
Contents: On The Essence of Soul; A Discussion of Doubts Relative to the Soul; On the Immortality of the Soul; On the Descent of the Soul; Concerning The Beautiful; Concerning Intelligible Beauty; Plato, Diotima's Teaching On Love; Proclus On Love; The Reply of the Oracle of Apollo
(The cost of this volume is £24.99 plus postage.
Please order via the Contact page of our website.)