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To Beauty

No word, or sound, or mystic pose,

Nor image fair though we compose

The form from forms e’en more sublime,

And work with art through endless time,

Could of this mighty splendour say

The smallest thing about its way.

For soul astonished, quickened and faint,

Relieves herself from all constraint,

Full-fired by love’s uprising heat

She strives to see the splendour’s seat:

  Beauty, beauty, beauty proceeding,

To the Good eternally leading;

Lovely as the source of love,

Symmetry of all above,

Delicate beyond compare,

Splendid beauty every where.

Nectar of Gods, of angels and of men,

This soul is open for your form to illumine;

Be she filled with all virtue, and heaven’s sacred fire,

Singing with her god the ancient praises of their sire.

Beyond another, beyond reproach, perfection’s dazzling light;

Beyond the stars, both high and low, beyond the realms of night;

Beauty untold! Astonishing my eye,

In silence are you honoured, in wonder do I sigh…

Gem Child

At the birth of soul the Goddesses saw

Themselves within their child;

So moved were they that all bestowed

Such things as only each can give

To her who had never been seen before.


Wisdom’s sapphire was placed within her brow,

A bright sky for her sight;

To guide her passage from without

Into the sphere of sapphire’s queen,

Where truth is fullness and is always now.


Two diamonds next, into her bright eyes,

Formed by eternal craft,

Were fixed forever with one touch,

And, hers forever pure in depth:

Justice and sight from the just and the wise.


An emerald then was fixed in her heart,

To always pulse as life –

Perfect, sparkling affirmation

Of her ever-born condition,

Her guarantee immortal to impart.


A ruby placed by invisible pow’r,

Upon her golden crown,

Was next bestowed for true insight,

Rutilant with a potent light,

To be her glowing ever-knowing flow’r. 


In her temples fair two moonstones are set,

Infused with darting light

And pow’rs, from one whose swift desire

Pursues and finds all hidden good;

Two lights from nature honouring her debt.


An amethyst now was bound in her breast

To energise by love;

A living gift of living faith

And hope that never will be stilled,

From one who gently leads her to her best.


And finally deep beryl, full with fire,

Was hidden in her depth;

To guide her into harmony

And dance with all in symphony –

The gift of the mother of divine fire,

To her daughter, for ever to inspire,

Her always to inspire –

The glittering offspring of each and all…

Barque of Soul 

And so the boat sets sail,

Its crew only the one;

Behind it blasts life's gale

Before it the vast sea,

Above it moon and sun.

Bright stars its only guide

Fixed in a mystic sky,

Wherein they ever ride,

Motive gems of their queen -

Her body one light eye.

By love bound to its course,

She draws it simply in

To seek its single source,

No matter what duress

Worth every pain to win.

On, brave sailor, press on,

Your heart is fit to burst;

Don't give up now, move on,

Nothing but sea surrounds -

Such will not sate your thirst.

Your longing for pure rest,

Which is the farthest shore

Gained after every test

Each sphere offers to you -

Is your place once before.

That longing bears you on,

For it and them and her;

And so only the one

Remains when all is done -

Reduction will occur. 

The barque is made for you

To fit your every need - 

Desires you thought you knew

You added to its hull,

And on it now they feed.

Yet still its golden heart

For ever remains pure;

No breach can rend apart

What is joined from the first

And hence most bound and sure.

Mark well your course, good soul,

While tossed your vessel strives

And strains to reach your goal;

When once achieved you will

Steer many other lives.

This is the good reason,

 Sail on, t'is all worthwhile - 

There is life's real season,

Push on, t'is all worthwhile,

Long on, t'is all worthwhile.

And so the barque glides fair

Aflame with simple sight,

Through water, earth and air,

Its bow singly looking 

By light to beyond light.

This barque was ever-born

The diamond of day,

Nor can its grace be torn

Or sundered from the soul 

Fixed in eternity...

Sail on, you barque of soul,

Shine on...

La Ritournelle

In silence now the sun appears to rise;

And soundlessly the waiting earth replies

By turning to her source of life and light,

Revolving to his strains with fast delight.


Such force, such power does this sun possess,

That every man and woman will express

That it is he who rises every dawn,

That he, each daily circuit, is re-born -

Giving great honour to the monarch sun

Who through each hour seems his round to run.


But no, all realise this is not true,

We know t'is just the very obvious view

Of how such good appears through eyes so fired

With love of light, with love from him inspired.

A love which strikes the soul with deep surprise,

Reminding her of that lost paradise

Which she enjoyed, when all was pure and new -

Yet born with time, now, both enjoy it too.


But still the earth turns inexorably

Towards her lover with intensity;

Her perfect motions in a dance like spin -

Now far, now nearer, now drawn close by him. 

As he from every aspect gives his all -

And she receives it, uttering her call

For light, for love, for all her true desires;

And he embraces her, for she inspires

Him to give, for he loves her without bound,

As he's her seed and she his fertile ground.

And so he never takes his eye from her

As round she dances, nothing will deter

His joy in lighting and her bliss in kind -

As one in body and as one in mind.

And yet, this dance would never be one whole

Without the presence of a divine soul,

Whose body shines in mystic harmony

With sun's fair brightness and earth's density.

One light, one dark, one perfect in between;

As with a veil of lucid silver sheen 

Enters the moon-dance, she whose phasing face

By day is hidden and by night is grace.

For then she rises, splendid in her glow;

Her curves so ample, which appear to grow -

Until her lovely form in fullness throws

Off all the veils that clothed her in her course

To fulsome splendour - light of night the source.

Queen of all the stars, in lustre most bright;

They all enjoy her, she enjoys their light.


And sun enjoys the lighting as the lit;

For earth and moon together savour it -

Each, in her own way, longs for his desire

To give, to 'lumine, to project his fire.

As first they see him, then his warmth they feel;

That light and heat born only from the real. 

Earth then nurtures birth and the moon protects,

While through each phase the sun his pow'r injects

Into the new born and into earth's core,

Into moon's recesses and she wants more

Of his deep warmth and of his strong embrace -

And as he gives it bliss lights up her face -

A bliss earth sees and in her joy reveals

The life of seeds she, in her womb, conceals.


So on they dance as in a mystic round,

Returning, turning in a bond profound -

A triple love displayed perpetually

To each, to all, to any eyes that see

This visible dance is the outer face

Of that which happens beyond time and space.


Each replenishes all eternally;

And all are centred in eternity,

Where life is light and beauty true and pure -

The only reason that each thing is sure

Of life, of light, of all it needs to be,

Because this dance goes on eternally

In all the heavens and beyond all bounds -

The measure beyond measure and all sounds.


Abiding, proceeding and returning -

Motion of the immoveable turning.

Returning, turning, returning and on,

In love fired by the good and by the one.

Returning, turning, returning and on,

And on, and on, and on, and on and on,

With love fired by the good and by the one.

And on, and on, and on...

A ritournelle, as I understand it, is an old form of French dance, where the couples and the music play out the dance in rounds; ever returning to the beginning and moving in circles and spins, as the music plays on in never quite repeated rouunds...

A Flight of Souls

O invisible and intangible

Soul of my soul draw near

And embrace, hold this longing exiled child;

Give comfort mother dear.

Long have I wandered and strayed from your side,

Long have I lost my home;

While through this world surrounded by your light,

In darkness oft I roam.

Yet I remember, void of phantasy,

Something of your sweet face

And hear the whisper of philosophy,

Your guide of souls in place.

He breathes to me of you and your mother,

Sings of the fount of soul,

Charms my distracted mind with pure ideas,

Reminds me of the whole -

That whole of which I am a vital part -

Heavens! So obvious!

Yet daily forgetting this, to my shame;

My lord! So obvious!

"Re-assimilate to the universe,

Unite your self to me;

Your gain, as one, is your loss of the all,

Will you not plainly see?

Open those eyes we gave you at your birth,

Open them instantly!

Know your distress is only caused by you,

Assuming you are free;

Free to do whate'er you want, free to be

Mistress of your own way -

The leader of your own self-motive sphere,

For ever free to stray.

This is the truth and that is what you are,

Your treasure and your bane;

But when you act alone, without the whole,

You cause your own deep pain.

It's not for punishment, this pain you feel;

That will not be my way.

Your choices bring their own rewards and trials

Into the light of day.

Take heart, awaking soul, be brave, be true,

Be mindful of the whole -

For it is me and where your journey starts -

Come, fly my fledgling soul!"

You voice, soul of my soul, such things to me

And now, for once, I hear;

Knowing you sing them into ev'ry soul

As from this place we veer.

At any moment I can stop and pray,

Listen and look to you;

Turning my eyes to ever truer skies,

Then clearly hear and view -

A flight of souls throughout the universe,

That ev'ry moment soars

Back to your open arms and peaceful home -

Great mother we are yours!

To Be Here

The sea of generation ebbs and flows,

By souls informed and moved with psychic shows;

Wave upon wave of lives with hidden end,

As one with time, into this life they send

All those that need to be here.

This may be Earth, this may be Hades bound,

This may be Tartarus with pain profound;

To some it seems akin to Coelus' sphere,

While others gripped by horror and cold fear,

In truth still need to be here.

This pass of life is indeed relative,

Not ours to take away, not ours to give;

And all must move on to another sphere,

Though why and where remains to most unclear,

Of those that need to be here.

Our time we take and from it must return

With dread, or passion or with no concern;

Free will, some say, is what we all possess,

As if this covers all the more or less 

To those who need to be here.

Yet some say anything, as if they know,

While unexamined through their lives they go;

Until that moment comes for them to die,

Too late to question then the reason why

They also need to be here.


 It is a mystery, it is profound

Why souls as us are always to be found

On Earths akin to this and some not so,

Yet still life's ocean bears within its flow

All those who need to be here,

And those who please to be here...

 The Draw

Draw me back to the world of soul,

That I may be what I am -

At one with every living thing,

Absorbed by fire that never burns -

A light to light returns.

Draw me over opinion's sea,

Where crash the waves of error -

Until, its vastness left behind,

My natal shore before me stands -

Power to power bands.

Draw me round to the divine light

Of intellect, always pure -

Mother and father of the soul

And nature's tranquil darting eyes -

Essence to essence flies.

Draw me in to the sphere of life,

Eternal vital power -

Where rise the bosoms of the world,

Luminous from ev'ry view -

A life to life anew.

Draw me through to the one being,

My home and ground of all things -

Without which I could never be,

Nor live, nor love, nor give, nor feel -

Real returns to real.

Draw me where I have never been,

Beyond where thoughts are power -

To that for which this soul now yearns,

The utter silent ecstasy -

One to one-mystery...


Draw me, draw me, draw me now, please -

One to one-mystery...


Voice of Wisdom

I heard the voice of wisdom say,

"My love is calling you;

Wake up, dear soul, from darkness past,

Your life I will renew.

Have faith in me, you will not fail,

Love is the key to all;

With truth's bright ray I will provide,

And with me you ne'er can fall.

I heard the voice of wisdom say,

"The good is all you need;

All else is dreams and phantasy,

Of this you must take heed:

Be prudent of your thoughts and words,

Press to the light within,

To embrace the real with all your heart

And then justice you shall win."

I heard the voice of wisdom say,

"My life is calling you;

It is the very best, dear soul,

All-beautiful and true.

No joy can match this heav'nly peace,

Follow the guide within,

To the meadow and the plain of truth,

Beyond death and pain and sin.

The Gods are welcoming, have no fear,

Never alone you'll be;

For my path is light and my arms are wide,

Come home, dear soul, to me."



Our Loss

(For those who mourn...)

To realize our loss is yonder's gain,

May not bring succour or relief from pain,

When breath itself seems to perpetuate

The shocking gap death wills to generate,

Between the departed and the left behind -

A constant legacy of human kind.

Nor does there ever seem to be a time

When death is welcome as a good sublime;

Too young, too old, too healthy, too infirm,

Too premature to end this earthly term,

Are all the cries throughout our history -

The cries of torment and of misery.

Yet from an overview it can be seen

All that has happened and what might have been,

If all our ardent wishes were fulfilled,

Those of the wise, the clever, and unskilled.

But this the precinct of the Gods remains,

To know what would have been, what earthly gains

And losses benefit the human soul, 

What truly tends her nearer to her goal.

And thus the loss of one beloved and true,

The Gods decree, from wisdom's overview,

Is finite, for a time - the loss will end,

And re-united will be friend to friend,

And lover to the loved, in time to see,

That death is granted by divinity

As true re-birth of life and purity,

A path to restful peace - serenity...



If all the tools devised were laid before

Men of experiment from now and yore,

And immortality of countless years

Impeded none of them, and held no fears

Of want or pain, or other earthly strife,

And certain time was theirs to spend such life

In measuring and weighing, dissecting,

Or magnifying each and every thing,

And writing formulae of time and space,

Inviting chance to fill the empty place

That all such work discovers at its heart,

Identical to that from which they start;

Investigating what no man will find

Opinion tied and exiled from the mind

Which transcends bodies, nor by them is bound,

Beyond all senses, all such sight and sound,

Whose nature is the only one we see

Available to solve the mystery,

Of what life is and whence it came to be:

Then will we have a world which now we know,

Inflamed by error and with psychic woe.

Let those attempt to measure this in vain,

Though popular, full of material gain;

Such time is short, as is celebrity,

Coursed for oblivion and obscurity –

For life is power, not material force,

The motion of essence is its single source;

And essence itself, replete with power, we see

Is mixed from bound and true infinity,

From that unknown, the one, or unity.

By this alone can essence be revealed,

And life itself will ever stay concealed

From those whose eyes are by the senses bound

In matter’s sea and by opinion drowned.

For mind is the eye, and that essentially,

The sight of life and of eternity,

Transcending individuality:

By this we rise, by this we make our flight

Through life’s deep heaven, full of beauty, light.

There is a Place

There is a place, though difficult to see,

Replete with advents of divinity;

Where inspiration is the very air

And breath of life for all the beings there -

The whole place teems with power.

The elements, in animated dance,

Informed by souls eliminating chance

From all that grows and breathes in earth and air,

The depths of water and the heavens fair -

Here blend together in love,

This place abounds with psychic energy

Producing lives, leading diversity

Into the day with sparkling mystic light,

Through shows of beauty dazzling to the sight -

Illuminating it all.

Each region of this sphere is full with power,

Urging all things to increase and to flower,

To express every form seen mentally

Within the offspring of eternity -

That world where every thing is.

Irrational displays of reasons pure,

Announcing mysteries of lives most sure,

Here run, fly, swim and dance in motions round

The good that draws them, as a light profound -

Like to the divine banquet.

Give me the eyes to see, with wisdom's sight,

Processions streaming from the divine light

Of truth and beauty and of love pure, clear,

In to this place, for it is truly here -

Here, though difficult to see...

Here, though difficult to see...

The River of Souls

Over the river of souls descending

The mother of nature sighs.

Down toward generation's sea

She casts her love-filled eyes.

Her darling children, by currents borne

To Hades' farthest shores,

Forgetting all while drinking much,

They firmly close their doors.


"My children dear, my children hear,

Unlock your hearts to me;

Though you have moved and turned away,

Lift up your eyes and see."


But feint the voice falls on the mist

When evening draws her veil,

And deaf they travel ever on 

As in their barques they sail.


From within the mother whispers 

In each sleeper's ear,

"O watch for me, O look for me,

Be sure that I am near.

Within each breath I lock my power

And give you of my heart;

I am that life that quickens all

By love's all-reaching dart." 


To Truth

Truth is the saviour of the soul 

And found within her deep;

Yet still it is the highest goal,

Its pathway long and steep:

Awake, my soul, from sleep.

Never alone the path to tread,

This is the father's law;

For by his kin the soul is lead

With guidance constant, pure:

Of this, my soul, be sure.

Away desires from body born,

Far off vain, foolish pride,

All angry-minded words be gone,

Poor thoughts that turn aside:

This now, my soul, decide.

Each man and woman bears a light,

Though distance makes it small;

Star like t'is vast, divinely bright,

A splendour from the light of all:

Remember this, my soul.

Majestic truth, arch light of heav'n

Proceeding from the good,

Of every virtuous life the leaven,

Of gods and men the food:

Arise, my soul, be good!



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