The Kalosophia initiative, in its current form, was presented to the internet in June 2016; yet in many ways it is the continuation and culmination of a lifetime's work. It is designed solely to assist and to be assisted by seeking souls who are approaching or are involved in philosophy and all that it represents and leads to; and who also desire good friendship along their way. Hence it is at its beginning and the circle is now being transformed into a vibrant living sphere...From a certain view, the Kalosophia circle and sphere is a beautiful vision and dream. Whether and how it comes to fruition are not simply a matter of human desire or design. Yet the table is prepared and the place is ready for those who are inspired by such an opportunity...
It is as well to make clear in this introduction, to any woman or man who is seriously considering participating in it, that this Circle is not a matter of membership or any financial commitment, or, even though confidential, involving secrecy; it will be similar to any other true circle of friends, sharing a common inspiration and goal - and participation in it is by invitation and recommendation - therefore each is very welcome to remain within it for so long as she or he wishes and continues to act in the spirit of true friendship, having respect, care, love, faith and trust at its heart.
Regretfully, it is necessary to say that to some post-modern sensibilities, such names as god or deity or divine, may appear to be simply religious terms which have not a legitimate place in contemporary thought or the so-called scientific examination of the nature of things. Yet not without good reason have the best of philosophers named such natures and have ascribed to them that which is considered as most difficult to be known, most principal and most desirable. For that which is superior to all essence, and from which essence itself is generated, will not be essence, but is super-essence and superessential. And those essences or beings that are at one with and united to such superessential natures are indeed divine, according to that union.
Therefore, it is indeed well said, that philosophy is in truth an assimilation to deity, with all that this implies...