Kalosophia Publications
Volume II
The Six Books of
Proclus On The Theology of Plato
Books 1 & II
(Volume I of a 3 part series)
Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor
(First Impression of 50 Hardback Copies; bound in sky blue clouded
soft suede, so that no two copies are identical - 386pp)
In these pages, Proclus unfolds the divine realities that crown the philosophy of Plato. Gathering divine narratives from all of Plato’s works, he shows how they contribute to a consistent and scientific theology and he defends the rectitude of doing so against those who would accuse him of imposing a system. Proclus begins by setting out his intention for the treatise, before laying down the preliminaries for a true understanding of divine natures, or Gods. He then proceeds to deliver the divine orders in six books, beginning with the absolutely transcendent principle of all things and its ineffable blossoming into the Gods of being, life, mind, soul, nature, and body. The whole work represents a seeing of the universe as a divine panorama that unfolds to human understanding from rational axioms and intellectual vision inspired by the words of Plato...
(The cost of this volume is £29.99 plus postage.
Please order via the Contact page of our website.)