to the beautiful - the wise - and the good
Self-motive assimilation through Love, Truth and Faith -
a life of Wisdom, Temperance, Fortitude, Justice,
and Philotheia
contemplation - penetration - reunion
There is a natural power in the wings of the soul, to raise that which is weighty on high, where the genus of the Gods resides. But of every thing subsisting about body, the soul most participates of that which is divine. But that which is divine is beautiful, wise, and good, and whatever can be asserted of a similar kind. And with these indeed the winged nature of the soul is especially nourished and increased... Platon
For wisdom is among the things of highest beauty; and all beauty is the object of love. It follows therefore of necessity, that Love is a philosopher, or a lover of wisdom; and that, as such, he stands between the adept in wisdom and the wholly ignorant... Diotima in Platon