This page is dedicated, with gratitude and honour,
to the inspired and incomparable soul of the
philosopher Thomas Taylor 1758 - 1835
A biography of the philosopher Thomas Taylor is in preparation, and will appear on this page for downloading when complete; it will be followed
by other pieces concerning this most remarkable man...
To Thomas Taylor
Though time and distance deem to separate
Good heroes, priests, and loving sages great
From modern man, with all his present woes,
‘Til little shines from ancient mystic shows;
Yet providence would not this golden chain
To end or break, nor douse the sacred flame.
She placed a son on Britain’s fertile land
To bear the aegis of that noble band,
With strength both rare and full of ardent fire,
Who shunned false pleasure and temptations dire.
This great soul laboured in obscurity
To fan the flame of pure philosophy,
And place before the seeker of the good
A banquet full with wholesome heav’nly food –
Whilst fired by wisdom’s ever lucid light
He toiled ‘gainst ignorance and folly’s night,
Rejecting vain and boastful slights of men,
To wisdom’s way he brought a light again.
O Thomas Taylor, in your praise I sing,
Far seeing sage, with you my soul takes wing
Above the rages of this world uncouth,
Back to the sacred majesty of truth!
With heart-full joy and thanks for pure insight,
May all your days abound with beauty’s light;
And, in our turn, with all you left behind
We toil, assured that wisdom’s home we’ll find.
Philosophy, your spouse and starry guide,
Is also ours, as in the truth we bide –
Is always ours when in the good we bide…